Looking to provide better, faster, and more efficient care?

Professional Emergency Physician Associates (PEPA) provides strong leadership, uniquely incentivized physician teams, and the advanced resources necessary to fuel a high-performing emergency department.

What We Do

Hospitals face unique emergency department challenges, and Professional Emergency Physician Associates (PEPA) provides solutions specifically designed to address evolving clinical and business needs.

We offer data-driven management, physician leadership, and expertise in emergency department services. Our process improvement strategies are based on proven lean methodologies and transparent, collaborative relationships with hospitals and physicians. We aim to enhance patient satisfaction by making visits better, faster, and more efficient.

Our goal is to remain small and focused, allowing us to provide tailored services to EDs and drive metrics with staff.

Data-Driven Management

Streamline Processes



How We Do It

We offer a physician partnership model that enables us to establish an engaged physician group, implement interdepartmental collaboration centered around process improvement, and deliver quality care. Our organization attracts physicians who will support the department’s management and continuous improvement.

Doing More With Our Data

“I think a lot of ER groups have turned into staffing companies. While we staff emergency departments, we are an ER management company. We have different platforms and dashboards that allow us to manage the department and our providers. We need to know when to have more coverage, we need to know when to have less coverage so that we can keep both the hospital and the group viable.”
Mark Laperouse, MD
Chief Medical Officer, PEPA

Partnership Opportunity

Professional Emergency Physician Associates is part of Emergency Care Partners, a private group in emergency medicine, which offers an annual partnership opportunity for its eligible affiliated physicians who are interested in becoming owners of the group. 

Our Skills

as a Team

We regularly collaborate with physicians and hospital management to ensure strong alignment among all stakeholders. Together, we establish key performance and quality indicators with the goal of surpassing all benchmarks.

Working with

Our data-mining implementation offers the facility a wealth of information. With our hospital partners, we determine the metrics of interest and create, maintain and share dashboards with hospital management.

Our analytics platform provides the data needed to streamline processes and drive interdepartmental collaboration.

Collaboration with Hospitals

Our management works within the facility to refine all processes. Whether fine-tuning the staffing schedule or making changes to the patient flow model, the group is always part of the decision-making process. Because of our compartmentalization, we can react and make changes rapidly.

Drawing from Experience

Our executive team brings years of emergency medicine expertise to the table. Our team works to identify and remove roadblocks to success before the start of a new contract.

Contact us

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Messages are for inquiries about Professional Emergency Physician Associates (PEPA), its affiliated partner groups, and services provided to their client facilities. Do not send a message for an emergency or inquiries about medical conditions. Call 911 or go to the closest emergency room right away if someone is unconscious, having trouble breathing, has a serious injury, or may be having a heart attack.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9



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